Sound Masking Generators

Ambient Sounds and White Noise Sound
Masking Generators for Speech Privacy


No installation needed, plugin and play with any USB mixer or mixer amplifier


Mix noise-masking with your favorite music to create the ideal soundscape


Unplug it, take it with you in your wallet or purse and plug it back in when you need it


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Commercial USB Sound Masking Noise Generators

Pure Resonance Audio has taken the mystery out of sound masking with the affordable and easy to use PrivacyCard™ and ComfortCard™ USB sound masking white noise generators. These unique sound masking generators pair ambient noise with the all-so-familiar USB drive to provide a simple plug-n-play solution. Instantly add sound masking and background music with a white noise generator for privacy in offices, medical facilities, call centers, banks, financial organizations, hotels, government agencies, law offices, spas, retail stores, or any other business or commercial application.

Our proprietary masking noises are designed to focus on the frequencies you want to effectively block, ensuring higher efficiency and quieter masking levels. These USB sound masking noise generators are compatible with any USB mixer or mixer amplifier and allow you to mix ambient noise masking with the background music of your choice to create the ideal soundscape for your space.